Who can participate?
The Watercolor Art Prize is open to amateur, emerging and professional artists around the world who use the watercolor medium for their work. To participate, select the number of the entries in the “Enter Now” page and follow the check out process. You can upload your photos after you place your order or just email them to Watprize6@gmail.com. Please include your order number in the subject of the email.
What are the photo specifications for uploading images?
For the best result, it is better to submithighest-quality JPEGs. The photo should be in the original size or not smaller than 1000 pixels. Your file must not exceed 10MB.The file name should be under 50 characters.
How do I add photo captions or titles?
You can add your name and title to each image of your watercolor paintings before sending them. When we open the photos, we will see the titles. You can also submit a list of the photographs you are submitting. Make sure they are numbered accordingly.
How do I send my photos?
After paying for your entries, you can upload your images or email them to us here Watprize6@gmail.com.
What forms of payment do you accept? Do you accept PayPal?
To make entry easy for everyone, we have established different forms of payment. You can pay for your entry with PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Sadly, we cannot accept bank transfers or payments by check at this time.
am an amateur artist. Can I still apply?
The Watercolor Art Prize is open to amateur, semi-professionals and professional artists. Even if you are just a passionate beginner, you can enter the competition. There is no doubt that the process of editing your work and getting feedback from your peers will be rewarding.
I am having a problem uploading my photos. What should I do?
The first thing is to make
sure that files are JPEG format. Also,
when naming your files, avoid using any of these characters (,),
‘, “, \, / or any space in the file name. If you are still having issues with your upload, you can email your
photos to Watprize6@gmail.com as attachments.
Remember to include your order number in the subject of the email.
What happens if I want to submit two series of photographs? Do I upload both series into one submission or do I need to make two submissions?
You will have to submit them separately. This way, you are able to write description for each entry and the jury can view each entry as individual submissions. While the two submissions will cost more, it however expands your opportunity in the competition. If cost is an issue, it will be better to submit your strongest work.
I am thinking of entering multiple single images. Can I enter them separately or as one entry?
You will have to enter them separately. This way, they will be treated as individual entry. If you enter them as one entry, they will be taken as one instead of multiple entries.
Are diptychs allowed and will that be as one or two images?
Yes, diptychs are allowed and will be treated as one image. However, you have to pay attention to themaximum pixel length of 2000.
Can two or more artists working as a team submit or enter for the Watercolor Art Prize with one entry?
Yes, you can submit one entry. Please indicate that you are a team when you submit your entry.
Can I have multiple entries?
There is no limit to how many times you can enter for the Watercolor Art Prize. As long as you have many great paintings and you can afford to pay the entry fees for all of them, you can enter multiple times. However, a rule of thumb is that you edit your photos wisely and enter only your very best works.
If I live outside the United States, am I still eligible for this competition?
Absolutely! The Watercolor Art Prize is truly global, drawing submissions from across the globe. The competition is invalid in countries where it is not allowed.
Are there restrictions on when the painting was created?
There are no restrictions on when on when the watercolor painting was created. Since this is the inaugural contest, we want to see what everyone has to offer. This may change next year. The important thing is to adhere to set rules guiding the contest.
Can I submit prints for my entries?
We can only accept digital submission at this time.We cannot accept photos as prints or CDs in the mail.
Can I enter the same painting I am entering in the Watercolor Art Prize for different art contest?
We have no restriction concerning submitting your entry to Watercolor Art Prize for other competitions. However, if you are a winner of the Watercolor Art Prize, you cannot submit the winning photographs/series for another competition or resubmit it for entry in Watercolor Art Prize. You can however submit non-prize-winning work multiple times.
I do not know which category to enter my photo in.
If you are uncertain which category to enter your image, look at all the categories and pick the closest category to you work. Please remember that the categories are mainly to guide your entries. All artworks will be judged based on parameters set in the Terms & Condition.
Do I need to submit a model release with a portrait painting?
Since it is a portrait painting, we do not think it is necessary for you to submit a release. However, if this is a commissioned portrait, you may have to seek permission from the person in the portrait. This will have to be submitted with the image of your painting.
Can I get a refund?
No, entry fees are non-refundable.
How do I know if you received my entry?
We automatically email you a confirmation invoice indicating payment details, including the competition you entered, the category, the amount you paid and how you paid it (credit card or Paypal) once your entry is submitted. This is the invoice and is consistent with how other online purchases send order confirmations. If you have not received the confirmation, check your SPAM folder before contacting us.
Can I have an extension on the deadline?
There are no extensions. The deadline is final.
How do I know if I have won and when?
Winners will be notified via email used to submit their entries. Remember that emails are sometimes caught in spam filters or get a non-deliverable return if you change your provided email address. So, check you spam folder. In addition, if you have changed your email address, you should communicate that to us. You can always check our site for the list of the winners. All winners will be announced online as soon as the judges finish their work, twelve weeks after the final submission deadline.
When are the prizes awarded, and when are the winners featured in ARTCENTRON, Watercolor Art Prize parent company?
After the competition deadline, the judges will get time to complete their work, and winners will be announced soon after. Winners will be notified via email during the judging process if you have been selected to receive a prize.
Do I still own the right to my images? Please explain the usage rights if I enter a competition. Each artist retains copyright of his or her images, and proper credit lines will be attributed to each photographer when used in any publicity of the Watercolor Art Prize and affiliates. By entering the competition, you are authorizing Watercolor Art Prize, Artcentron, and affiliates to display, print, and distribute in any manner any photographs that you have entered in this competition to conduct and promote the competitions. Read more here. Questions
Can we use acrylic?
This is a watercolor art competition. If you must use acrylic, it cannot be more than 1% of your overall painting.
It is important to read the rules, Terms & Conditions and make sure that you understand them. We have included a link here for easy access. In the meanwhile, here are some, but not all, of the basic rules that you agree to:
• By submitting these photographs to Watercolor Art Prize, I authorize that these are original works of art that I personally created.
• I am releasing Watercolor Art Prize and its agents, principals, employees or contractors from any liability regarding the display of work that I have submitted to them, including any liability for redisplay by individuals making copies of the display made by Watercolor Art Prize.
• By agreeing to this release, I authorize that I am 18 years of age or older.
• I hereby authorize Watercolor Art Prize and its affiliate and agents to display, print, and distribute in any manner any photographs that I have entered in this competition to conduct and promote Watercolor Art Prize,
I still have questions. How can I contact you?
We are always happy to hear from you. If you are havingtechnical questions related to uploading your photos, sizes, entry forms and credit card payments, you can use the contact form or email to send us a message. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Please understand that a support request sent right before the deadline might not get immediate attention.
Are there other things that I need to know about entering the competition?
We have tried to answer the frequently asked questions. However, if you still have questions for us, you can email us using the contact form or email address. We will do our best to respond to your questions and what you have to say as soon as possible. Please bear in mind that this is a small team and our response may take some time.
Frequently Asked questions
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