Watercolor Art Prize is an international art competition that celebrates art and artists who explore various watercolor techniques to create amazing watercolor paintings.
Watercolor Art Prize Contest is open to all amateur, aspiring and professional watercolor artists using the watercolor medium for their works. Entrants must be 18 years or older. Entrants under 18 years of age require the permission of parent or guardian.
Watercolor Quotes
Perhaps watercolour is more art than acrylics or oil, because the opportunity to correct errors is very limited as the colours are transparent… The sun, wind and temperature influences water-pigment-paper!! Everything flows, painting with watercolors!’ Adriana Buggino
A photograph to me is always a reminder of how the person was on a certain day in that certain light fixed. When I look at a watercolor of that same person, it seems to me alive, more open than a photograph.’ Francesco Clemente
To create amazing watercolor paintings, artists have to explore several watercolor techniques essential to creating great watercolor paintings.
Many of these watercolor techniques are not new. They have been around for decades. In fact, many famous watercolor artists have used some of these techniques for their important paintings. Artists like Winslow Homer, John Singer Sergeant, John La Farge, Thomas Moran, and William Trost Richards are just a few examples
American Watercolor in the Age of Homer and Sargent brought together stunning landscapes, illustrations, designs for ceramics and stained glass that brought into focus how individual artists experimented and created new works using watercolor.
Watercolor artists create amazing paintings by exploring various watercolor techniques. Here are 11 essential watercolor techniques famous artists use to create exceptional watercolor paintings.
Introduction Tattoo art has evolved tremendously over the years, with countless styles and techniques emerging to cater to various tastes and preferences. One such style that has gained popularity in recent times is the watercolor tattoo technique. Alex Fox, a talented tattoo artist at the Da Vinci’s Fox…